Certified Integrative Coach
United States

Years of living in fear and frustration and a succession of situations in Sandra's thirties and forties - chaos erupting as family members succumbed to addiction; the demise of her long-term marriage followed by single parenting; career moves that rarely moved her forward; and serious autoimmune disorders she couldn't get a handle on - resulted in finally acknowledging decades of unexpressed anger and untreated anxiety.

Sandra spent the hours she should have been sleeping obsessing over how to get it all right and perfect. As insomnia splintered her sleep and her soul, she wondered how she could be good enough, love enough, say enough, and do it all in spite of the fear and anxiety that always came along for the ride. Sandra was exhausted by her own impossible expectations.

After a 30-year career as a writer and marketer, Sandra was downsized from a job that no longer fit. It was at this point she said enough. When she took time for profound self-exploration and deep internal work, Sandra found herself on the threshold of not just a new career in coaching, but also a new way of being. She discovered that where toxicity and negativity once lived are now peace and possibility.

While fear still sticks around to keep Sandra alert and prepared, she has an improved relationship with it. Thanks to coaching work, Sandra was able to understand her anxiety is a real thing, and sought treatment. This work has also allowed her to reclaim her confidence, which helps her go after the things she's always wanted, love harder and more fully, communicate more clearly, deepen her spirituality, have healthier relationships, let go of expectations, lay down boundaries, and hear her voice first.

With infinite loving kindness, attentive listening, forthright feedback, and an ever-expanding understanding of Debbie Ford's coaching distinctions, Sandra offers clients a safe space to explore and find freedom from the fear and frustration that stands between them and the life they most long for.

Sandra's experience in coaching, and mentoring includes: helping clients break through health and wellness issues; supporting those dealing with the heartbreak of living with addicted loved ones; empowering women grappling with career or relationship transitions; and inspiring clients to rediscover themselves and create lasting change.

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